The Prince of Wales Sarcoma Unit is an active member of the Australian and New Zealand Sarcoma Association (ANZSA). Since its inception in 2008, ANZSA has been involved in more than 30 sarcoma-related studies and clinical trials, both locally and internationally.
ANZSA’s sarcoma-related research portfolio comprises of investigator-initiated international and national multi-site studies and clinical trials.
All of ANZSA’s research projects are based on the rigorous review of the science, the evidence and the need in our population. Research concepts, ideas and protocols are presented and then prioritised for funding and implementation.
Given that sarcomas consist of over 50 separate diseases, there is not always a trial or study available for each one.
Yang PF, Veness MJ, Cooper EA, Fox R, Smee RI, Lehane C, Crowe PJ, Thompson SR. Outcomes of Patients With Metastatic Cutaneous Squamous Cell Carcinoma to the Axilla: a Multicenter Cohort Study. ANZ Journal of Surgery. 2021; 91:878-884.
Shuttleworth C, Wegner EA, Thompson SR, Kidson-Gerber G. 18F-Fludeoxyglucose PET/CT-guided palliative radiotherapy provides durable responses to over a dozen sites of disease in relapsed Myeloid Sarcoma. Accepted for Publication, Clinical Nuclear Medicine. 2020; 11: 886-887.
Nagabushan S, Lau LMS, Barahona P, Wong M, Sherstyuk A, Marshall GM, Tyrrell V, Wegner EA, Ekert PG, Cowley MJ, Mayoh C, Trahair TN, Crowe P, Anazodo A, Ziegler DS. Efficacy of MEK inhibition in a recurrent malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumor. NPJ Precis Oncol. 2021 Feb 12;5(1):9.
Chiang JCB, Goldstein D, Trinh T, Au K, Mizrahi D, Muhlmann M, Crowe P, O'Neill S, Edwards K, Park SB, Krishnan AV, Markoulli M. A Cross-Sectional Study of Sub-Basal Corneal Nerve Reduction Following Neurotoxic Chemotherapy. Transl Vis Sci Technol. 2021 Jan 12;10(1):24.
Bae S, Karnon J, Crane G, Bessen T, Desai J, Crowe P, Neuhaus S. Cost- effectiveness analysis of imaging surveillance in stage II and III extremity soft tissue sarcoma: an Australian perspective. Cost Eff Resour Alloc. 2020 Feb 3;18:5.
Wang X, Yeo RX, Hogg PJ, Goldstein D, Crowe P, Dilda PJ, Yang JL. The synergistic inhibitory effect of combining therapies targeting EGFR and mitochondria in sarcomas. Oncotarget. 2020 Jan 7;11(1):46-61.
Crowe P. New-age surgical oncology. ANZ J Surg. 2019 Jan;89(1-2):8-9.
Sullivan R, Rabinowitz D, Lehane C, Torda A. Xanthogranulomatous pyelonephritis causing subcutaneous collections in the thigh. British Medical Journal. 2018 May 361.
Wang X, Goldstein D, Crowe PJ, Yang JL. Antitumour effects and mechanisms of action of the panHER inhibitor, dacomitinib, alone and in combination with the STAT3 inhibitor, S3I-201, in human sarcoma cell lines. Int J Oncol. 2018 Jun;52(6):2143-2154.
Crowe P. A retroperitoneal mass needs respect. ANZ J Surg. 2018 Apr;88(4):261-262.
Tan MTL, Thompson SR, Schipp D, Bae S, Crowe PJ. Patterns of care of superficial soft tissue sarcomas: it is not always just a lump. Asia Pac J Clin Oncol. 2018 Oct;14(5):e472-e478.
J Long, D Debono, R Williams, E Salisbury, S O’Neill, E Eykman, J Butler, R Rawson, K Phan-Thien, SR Thompson, J Braithwaite, M Chin, N Taylor. Using behaviour change and implementation science to address low referral rates in oncology. Cancer Institute NSW – NSW Premier’s Awards for Outstanding Cancer Research: Excellence in Translational Cancer Research Award. BMC Health Services Research. 2018; 18: 904-919.
Hanna T.P, Shafiq J, Delaney G.P, Vinod, S. K, Thompson, S.R, Barton M.B. The Population Benefit of Evidence-based Radiotherapy Programs: 5-year Local Control and Overall Survival Benefits. Radiotherapy and Oncology. 2018; 126 (2): 191-197.
Tang S, Ng C, Smee R, Thompson SR. Metastatic basal cell carcinoma: A case series and review of the literature. Australasian Journal of Dermatology. 2017; 58: e40-e43. DOI: 10.1111/ajd.12459
CR Lemech, R Williams, SR Thompson, B McCaughan, M Chin. Treatment of Breast Cancer 2 (BRCA2)-mutant follicular dendritic cell sarcoma with a poly ADP-ribose polymerase (PARP) inhibitor: a case report. BMC Research Notes. 2016; 9:386-390.
Yang JL, Gupta RD, Goldstein D, Crowe PJ. Significance of Phosphorylated Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor and Its Signal Transducers in Human Soft Tissue Sarcoma. Int J Mol Sci. 2017 May 30;18(6):1159.
Lim HJ, Wang X, Crowe P, Goldstein D, Yang JL. Targeting the PI3K/PTEN/AKT/mTOR Pathway in Treatment of Sarcoma Cell Lines. Anticancer Res. 2016 Nov;36(11):5765-5771.
Bae S, Crowe P, Gowda R, Joubert W, Carey-Smith R, Stalley P, Desai J. Patterns of care for patients with advanced soft tissue sarcoma: experience from Australian sarcoma services. Clin Sarcoma Res. 2016 Jul 11;6:11.
Lehane C, Ho F, Thompson SR, Links D, Lewis C, Smee R, Parasyn A, Friedlander M, Williams J, Crowe P. Neoadjuvant chemoradiation (modified Eilber protocol) versus adjuvant radiotherapy in the treatment of extremity soft tissue sarcoma. J Med Imaging Radiat Oncol. 2016 Aug;60(4):539-44.
Wang X, Goldstein D, Crowe PJ, Yang M, Garrett K, Zeps N, Yang JL. Overcoming resistance of targeted EGFR monotherapy by inhibition of STAT3 escape pathway in soft tissue sarcoma. Oncotarget. 2016 Apr 19;7(16):21496-509.
Wang X, Batty KM, Crowe PJ, Goldstein D, Yang JL. The Potential of panHER Inhibition in Cancer. Front Oncol. 2015 Jan 28;5:2.
Wang X, Goldstein D, Crowe PJ, Yang JL. Impact of STAT3 inhibition on survival of osteosarcoma cell lines. Anticancer Res. 2014 Nov;34(11):6537-45.
Lim HJ, Crowe P, Yang JL. Current clinical regulation of PI3K/PTEN/Akt/mTOR signalling in treatment of human cancer. J Cancer Res Clin Oncol. 2015 Apr;141(4):671-89.
Hwang SY, Warrier S, Thompson S, Davidson T, Yang JL, Crowe P. Safety and accuracy of core biopsy in retroperitoneal sarcomas. Asia Pac J Clin Oncol. 2016 Mar;12(1):e174-8.
Tan CJ, Yang JL, Crowe P, Goldstein D. Targeted therapy in soft tissue sarcoma-a novel direction in therapeutics. Chin Clin Oncol. 2013 Sep;2(3):22.
Tan K, Goldstein D, Crowe P, Yang JL. Uncovering a key to the process of metastasis in human cancers: a review of critical regulators of anoikis. J Cancer Res Clin Oncol. 2013 Nov;139(11):1795-805.
Wang X, Crowe PJ, Goldstein D, Yang JL. STAT3 inhibition, a novel approach to enhancing targeted therapy in human cancers (review). Int J Oncol. 2012 Oct;41(4):1181-91.
Barton M, Jacob S, Shafiq J, Wong K, Thompson SR, Delaney G, Hanna T. Review of Optimal Radiotherapy Utilisation Rates. Report prepared for Australian Government Department of Health and Aging. CCORE, The Ingham Institute. 2012.
Chua TC, Crowe PJ, Morris DL. Whither surgical oncology? ANZ J Surg. 2011 Nov;81(11):763-4.
Ito M, Barys L, O'Reilly T, Young S, Gorbatcheva B, Monahan J, Zumstein- Mecker S, Choong PF, Dickinson I, Crowe P, Hemmings C, Desai J, Thomas DM, Lisztwan J. Comprehensive mapping of p53 pathway alterations reveals an apparent role for both SNP309 and MDM2 amplification in sarcomagenesis. Clin Cancer Res. 2011 Feb 1;17(3):416-26.
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Suite 1A, Level 7, Prince of Wales Private Hospital, Randwick, 2031
(02) 8073 9462